“Highly Recommended!
Seamless process to get switched
over, and great customer service!!”

“I cannot express how
happy we were to switch
our phone services to VoDa.”

No jacks? No problem! VoDa keeps a pickle shop connected wherever they go.

Husband and wife team Randy and Cori run a boutique specialty food company. Their shop includes a small office with a production facility in the back. Because their building lacks proper cabling to connect an Ethernet jack to an IP phone, they often missed calls whenever they were in the production area. Plus, there was no way to communicate with staff or transfer calls back there.

VoDa did a complete site survey and decided it was less expensive to provide Cori and Randy with Wi-Fi-enabled VoIP phones that only required a “dongle” and a power outlet to connect, rather than running new Ethernet cabling. And when the couple was moving around the building or not in their office, they could stay connected with their cell phone app activated or the cordless extension we installed in the production area, so they never missed a call or an order.  

Cori and Randy have since decided to outsource their production and possibly move out of state. With the systems VoDa set up for them, they can take their phones with them, and all their programming follows.


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