“Highly Recommended!
Seamless process to get switched
over, and great customer service!!”

“I cannot express how
happy we were to switch
our phone services to VoDa.”

Five Borough Sprinkler

What impressed me the most was that VoDa didn’t instantly try to sell me anything. Instead, they offered to take a look at my current phone bill and review it.

They came to my office with a side by side comparison of what I had and what they could offer and gave me a demo of everything their phone system could do. After seeing that I jumped at the opportunity and made the transition from my old phone service to Voda’s Hosted phones. It just made sense for my business to switch to a phone system with today’s technology and mobility.

For me, the added bonus was the cell phone app that comes with the phone system which we all now have.  This saved me even more money because I didn’t have to pay for separate cell phones for my employees anymore. The app is installed on their cell phone. Now we can make and receive business calls from anywhere, and it shows our business number, not a personal cell number. And if one of my workers in the field needs to show me something at a site then we can switch the call to video mode!

Five Borough Sprinkler has multiple offices, remote workers, and field workers all throughout the boroughs. I can now reach them no matter where they are on their business line. And for me, since I’m often on the go visiting job sites, or at project management meetings, this system makes it easier to conduct business wherever I am.

What a huge difference for me to not have to be tied down to my desk, or always have to use my personal cell phone when out in the field. The entire process from demo to installation was extremely quick. VoDa made sure on the day we went live with their phones that there were no interruptions and business carried on as usual. And we kept our phone numbers so nothing changed!

Making the switch was a no-brainer for my company.
We trusted VoDa with this important part of our business and couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

Gary Valenti, Owner
Five Borough Sprinkler


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Call or text us at 516-740-6600