It’s noon on a Friday. You have a meeting with a client in London in an hour, one of those important ones where you really need to shine. In fact, it’s already five o’clock pm their time, and they’re staying late just for your presentation. Suddenly, everything goes down: your landline, your internet connection. You call your provider on your cell and get a recording.
“Sorry I missed your call. I’ve left for the weekend–”
You probably didn’t even hear the rest of the message because you’re now in a full-blown panic. All you can think is, “What do I do now? I have a meeting with London in an hour!”
There’s never a convenient time for your voice and data system to go down.
Whether you have a big meeting with London or your work comes to a grinding stop because of a problem with your voice or data system, you’re in crisis mode. Yet, so many service providers do not have an emergency hotline or 24/7 tech support. And without that “’round the clock” support, you become beholden to their work schedule.
How well does your telecom provider support you in an emergency?
If you have a service interruption on your phones or internet or both:
- Do you know who to call?
- How long does it take you to reach the correct technical support person?
- Do they give you timely (every 1 to 2 hours whether or not there is anything new to report) repair status updates throughout the outage?
- Do they have 24/7/365 service and support with live persons answering your call?